A sign for our lady queen of the apostles parish

Dear Friends in Christ,

As your parish priest and on behalf of our entire parish family, I extend to you our prayers, love, and support during this time of grief. We want you to know that we are willing to be of whatever help is possible in the days and months ahead. We are also aware that we cannot take away the pain of loss, but we believe in a loving God who wants to encounter us in the midst of suffering and promises to never abandon us. Death is never an easy reality. But we also know that God hears our prayers, comforts our aching hearts, and dries the tears of His children as we reach out to Him in living hope. 

The person whom you love now rests in Christ’s peace. Join us in prayer for all the deceased, that God will judge them in His mercy and forgive their sins. Join us in prayer for all those left behind, that the Lord will strengthen our faith in His Resurrection and lighten our sense of loss.

During the Funeral Rites of Christian Burial, we do the best thing we can for our loved ones who have died—we offer the holy sacrifice of the Mass on their behalf—the sacrifice of Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The Mass is a time to celebrate the life of the deceased, to rejoice in Christ’s Victory over sin and death, and to apply the fruits of Jesus’ Victory to the death and burial of your loved one.

This set of papers, entitled “Funeral Mass Planning Sheet—A Guide for Family Participation,” has been given to you so that you might help us plan your loved one’s funeral. Perhaps they have spoken to you of their wishes that you can now fulfill. Maybe there are special ways you would like to remember your loved one. Or, if you prefer, leave the planning to us and we will be happy to take care of everything.

If you have any questions, please give us a call. Otherwise we will be in touch with you at the wake service or through the funeral director to finalize the arrangements. At Mass in the church and in the private prayers of each member of our staff, you and your beloved deceased will have a special place. We seek to be disciples of Jesus, who unlocked the gates of life for all who believe in Him and we welcome you to join us in walking with Him.

Blessings in Christ,

Father Jeff

Funeral Mass Planning Sheet (download)
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